Tuesday, March 31, 2015

CWP plan for the week

Quick update on my son: Kenton had a pretty good day but playing with brother and resting. This evening has been harder because he has been in more pain and is really frustrated with being in the hospital. We are trying to get him on oral narcotics but he wasn't happy about it. When we asked him what it tastes like he said "butt!" We really had to do some convincing to get in it. We moved out of the ICU and onto the regular pediatric floor. We haven't been told how long we will be in the hospital. He's on iv antibiotics and has to be able to take in enough to eat. Here are some pictures that I loved from yesterday. He is on the mend. He is still him. He still is tired which is understandable but he is doing as well as he possibly could...Thank you all for being so positive and supporting my family. I'l keep you updated on my little hero! 

I have linked up the link at the top of the page.  For the United States of Secrets.
Or if you should like here is the hyperlink: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/united-states-of-secrets/

(Tell the students that I am sorry about the context in which it “flows” in class however this is something that is a CWP issue.

*Please have the students take a page of notes on how the government came to spy on millions of Americans.  Just keep track of where each class leaves off. Thank you.

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