Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

GET your Current Events done for tomorrow!

GET your Current Events done for tomorrow! We will be using them in class if you do have them because you forgot and/or didn't do them you will be excluded from the activity! Thus, losing more points. Which could lead to an unsavory life of crime...

Friday, September 5, 2014

9/4 and 9/5 agenda

We are correcting the naturalization quiz that we took on Tuesday. Everyone that took it will get 100%. This is a pretest that I am using to see how much progress that we make this year. I also showed you a video on the street store which could be used for a possible senior project.

9/5 we are going to finish correcting the quiz. I have a "get to know you" activity and if time at the end we will watch news.
PLEASE start paying attention to the news!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Task to be done in the WIGL today. (Please make sure that you follow directions.)

Welcome to CWP. Today you will have some tasks to complete before the end of the day so please make sure that you use your time wisely!

1.             Respond to this post by putting your name, period, a destination that you'd like to go and a destination that you've been that you love. (Make sure that you know how to get here in the future)
2.             Go to www.turnitin.com, make sure that you have added this class. If you have an account this process will be easier. If you don't have an account follow the steps for creating an account and make sure to remember your information for later use. (Write down in your Journal). Once there and you have completed the steps for adding my class. Go to the "discussion' tab. View the prompt. FOLLOW the directions (When responding to a student post please make sure to give thoughtful details and also your name at the end of the comment). Once you have completed that please move to the next step. *Hint opening up multiple tabs may help you in this process.
Class id:                1st Period: 8543499                  Password: reed
 4th Period:  8543520                      Password: reed
                              5th Period:     8543527             Password: reed
3.     Create a Google Drive account. We will be using Google Drive for many class projects and assignments. You don’t have to have a Gmail account to access this, but it is easier to use with a Gmail account. You can also create a Google account using another email. After you have created your Google Drive account, create a new document and write one paragraph about the following question: “What is the purpose of government? Do we really need it?” After you have written your paragraph, click the blue “share” button in the top right corner and share it with me (jim.reed@washougalsd.org). 

Information for using your school/google account (Which is what you should use)
Students who already had an e-mail address from last year (most of them) kept that same e-mail.  I did not make any changes to existing accounts. 

For students who are new or did not have one last year, their e-mail will be First_Last@washougalsd.org (or the same First_Last_Last if they have two last names, or First_First_Last if they have two first names).   Spaces were pulled out of names in the same pattern described above, as e-mail addresses may not have spaces in them.  

EMAIL passwords are set to PantherMMDD where MMDD is their birthdate as a four digit number (January 1 is 0101) - Also note that it's Panther with a capital P, and not panthers with an S at the end like it is above).  If they changed their password last year, it's set to whatever they sent it to - I didn't reset them all.  

4.     This is due at the conclusion of class.
5.             You could use your time to do your current events that are due next Friday! You will have 5 due. (Please see the directions for the Current Event Notebooks in class documents.